We are pleased to present you the new complete solution for resin preparation & atmospheric dispensing, combining the Atra's MATERIA.ZERO and AERIA.ZERO systems.
Resin preparation system for 200-liter or 1,000-liter drums
In large containers such as 200-liter (GAR.200) or 1000-liter (GAR.1000) drums, resins tend to settle, especially those with a high specific weight. Our resin treatment system is designed to effectively homogenize resins in these containers, preventing sedimentation and ensuring a consistent density and temperature for precise dispensing.Our system provides effective resin preparation, even with a high filler density, before extraction from the drum. It is designed to be simple and robust, ensuring excellent results.
CNC system with cartesian kinematics robot and interpolation between motion and dispensing.
This system offers:
.Management of mutiple dispensing heads (DOP pistons, DOI gears)
.Interpolation between motion and dispensing for a simplified and repatable process
.Remote control via SCADA and/or PLC
.Quick production chageovers thanks to an advanced proprietary software, compatible with all browser-equipped devices
.Integration with factory computer systems
.Automated connection with the logistics system, supply network and other machines
.Teach programming with joystick (JOG)
.Integrated weighing control (BIL)
.3D G-Code programming tool (G-Sketcher)
.Temperature management (RIT)
.Management of external feeding systems (pressure and vacuum tanks, pressure plate pumps and cartridges)